We have assessed the markets and our interest in changing demographics has moved traditional business away from static manufacturing and new 3D construction. The traditional factory has been displaced by cheap elements from abroad have depredated the skill sets in traditional manufacturing. We have been able to rethink and adjust the skill sets and product a high precision product with new technology and old disciplines.
As the new emerging areas of cyber technology gain strength in the far east, south America, Africa, so we have applied working techniques learned from Covid lockdown to these new areas. Having had such successes with the diversified communications available, we have structured new low-cost software development with universities worldwide from Belfast to Brisbane. Supporting the new generation of development software engineer.
Over the years our team has acquired an extensive technical knowledge base and using the contacts and methods in manufacturing we are able to build custom solutions from light engineering to full blown certified electronics.
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Call us: 44 289 188 9346